Registration of companies and changes in registration

Legal services​​​​​​​ -

Prior to registering a company in Bulgaria, it is necessary to comply with a number of tax-specific features at the outset, regardless of whether the registration of ET, OOD, EOOD, AD, etc. is made. Under the Commerce Act or registration of a DPA under the Obligations and Contracts Act. Also, it is of utmost importance to properly and adequately shape the company agreement of commercial companies or DPOs, as it is precisely the problem of any disputes.

This will save you a lot of trouble, waste time and money at a future stage of the company's development. That's why it is important to entrust the registration process of your new Bulgarian firm to the hands of experienced experts who will guarantee you a professional approach and a high level of competence.

In addition, upon registration of a company with our help, together with competent legal advice, you will also receive professional financial and accounting assistance, which will allow you to optimally plan your taxation.

We also make changes to the registration of existing businesses such as:

  • change of name;
  • change of management and headquarters address.
  • transfer of units;
  • capital increase or decrease;
  • adoption of new partners

We also register foreign companies with a place of business in the country before the Bulstat Register.

Do you need additional information about our services? Please do not hesitate to contact us ► CONTACTS

The great advantage of registering a firm with our help is that, besides competent legal advice, you will also receive professional financial and accounting assistance.

This will allow you to choose the most reasonable legal form and plan your future taxes and activity.