Subscription accounting services

Accounting services -

We serve both Bulgarian and foreign companies with a place of business activity in Bulgaria. Our goal is to ease your business and allow you to concentrate fully on your work without scattering your energy for document processing. When signing a subscription service, we will offer you:

Analytical or synthetic accounting;

  • preparation and filing of diaries under the VAT Act;
  • processing of salaries;
  • auditing services;
  • accounting, tax and labor-insurance consultancy;
  • representation before NRA, NSS, and others. state institutions;
  • annual accounting closure, compilation, and publication of annual financial statements and annual tax returns;
  • submission of annual tax returns;
  • preparation of quarterly and annual reports for the BNB;
  • preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual NSI reports;
  • other specific administrative services required by the client.

For more information on the cost of the service, visit our "Prices" section.

Subscription accounting services, the quality of which is guaranteed by an experienced team of professionals. INBALANCE Bulgaria is in the continuous process of introducing innovative solutions for fast and effective communication with clients and institutions.

With the introduction of Cloud Accounting technology, the automation of the process of document and information exchange, we are available to our customers at convenient times and without limitation in their location.